Alcoholism and Treatment in Tallahassee – (850) 290-5955

Alcoholism is a dangerous addiction that requires treatment in order to go into remission. Among the many negative effects of alcoholism are the heavy toll it takes on an individual’s physical and mental health, their relationships, their finances, and their lifestyle. It often interferes with achieving personal goals and following through on commitments. At its worst, alcoholism that goes without treatment can be fatal.

Factors That Lead to Alcohol Abuse

Many people drink for pleasure, and many people drink in response to stress or pressures in their environment. People in either category can be at risk for alcoholism, but are there also genetic or environmental predispositions to alcohol abuse? The science is so far inconclusive, but what is clear is the fact that, like other addictions, alcoholism is highly correlated with complex personal issues like experiencing traumatic events, being unable to effectively manage stress, or suffering from mental illness. It’s safe to say that individuals with a background of one of these things or a history of living in an abusive environment are at particularly high risk of developing alcoholism.

When To Seek Treatment

In a culture where the consumption of alcohol is ubiquitous, how do you know when your habits have crossed the line and constitute the behavioral patterns of alcoholism? Is there a certain amount of alcohol consumption that is too much, or a specific context in which its use constitutes alcoholism? Most people, including experts, would be hard-pressed to answer these questions with authority.

The fact is that you are the first and foremost expert on your own situation, and in the best position to decide when treatment is necessary. If alcohol is infringing on your lifestyle, interfering with your goals or values, causing memory loss, or leading to relationship troubles, it’s probably a good time for you to commit to getting better and accept help. With that said, alcoholism sometimes deteriorates so quickly and dramatically that it is left to friends, family members, or colleagues to intervene and suggest treatment.

What Does Treatment for Alcoholism Look Like?

Holistic, high quality treatment programs like those Drug Detox Centers Tallahassee has connections with consist of several phases and are personalized to suit the unique needs of individuals in recovery. As addiction is highly personal in nature, we believe its treatment should be as well.

Treatment typically begins with medical detox, during which the body is rid of any physical dependence it may have on the effects of alcohol. This process is overseen by doctors and other medical professionals who are on hand to ensure its safety and success.

Following detox, a range of focused, intensive therapies are introduced, with the goal of developing the individual’s ability for self-assessment and empathetic decision-making. This stage of treatment involves addressing the personal issues that underpin addiction, and helping our clients replace self-destructive thoughts and attitudes with self-supportive ones. At Drug Detox Centers Tallahassee, we recommend a combination of research-based alternative therapies and traditional therapies to achieve these ends.

Finally, treatment will move on to aftercare, through which an individual’s lasting recovery can be supported.

Through these various stages, we hope to help individuals reclaim what has been lost through addiction, and grab onto their future with a newfound vigor and confidence.

Drug Detox Centers Tallahassee is your primary recovery resource. Just call our recovery advocates at (850) 290-5955 for more information.