Moral Reconation Therapy in Tallahassee – (850) 290-5955

Moral Reconation Therapy, or MRT, was developed in 1985 by Dr. Gregory Little and Dr. Kenneth Robinson. Today, it is used in more than 40 U.S. states and several countries as a widely accepted protocol for reducing recidivism rates among convicted criminal offenders as well as in the treatment of individuals suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. Moral Reconation Therapy has been the subject of nearly 200 published studies, and has consistently been shown to have significant positive effects on the behaviors of those it treats.

At Drug Detox Centers Tallahassee, MRT is just one of the many types of therapy we offer connections to, including several leading research-based alternative therapies. These treatments are intended to supplement highly effective medical detox programs and place addicts safely on the road to recovery.

What is MRT About?

In the context of recovery from addiction ,the ultimate goal of Moral Reconation Therapy is to help individuals avoid relapse. It does this by aiding them in the development of strategies for stress management and risk avoidance. Moral Reconation Therapy asks individuals to honestly self-examine for the purpose of gaining an understanding of what motivations or beliefs drive their addictive behaviors. Along the way, people who undergo Moral Reconation Therapy are often able to achieve a greater degree of empathy and critical decision-making ability.

How Does MRT Treat Addiction?

Addictive behaviors are often underpinned by a desire to escape or avoid pain, stress, anxiety, and similar emotional states. Individuals who undergo Moral Reconation Therapy are asked to question whether or not this behavior might be generally described as self-centered and selfish, and whether there might be greater value in making decisions that involve more conscious consideration of others. Moral Reconation Therapy helps people suffering from addiction cultivate more awareness of wide range of negative consequences that their addiction entails, including the ways in which their behaviors affect the people around them.

How Long Does MRT Take?

The minimum time frame in which an effective course of MRT can take place is typically around three months. Drug Detox Centers Tallahassee encourages addicts to think of this time commitment as only a small investment into their future. While the initial treatment for drug and alcohol addiction can usually be measured in weeks or months, we think of recovery as a lifelong journey. When rushing treatment can be the difference in a lifetime of effectiveness or an impending relapse, we see great value in our clients taking their time with therapy.

Drug Detox Centers Tallahassee takes no greater pleasure than in seeing addicts emerge from treatment with a revitalized sense of purpose and a new, healthy outlook on their futures. We are proud to offer connections to MRT as a part of our programs. If you’re interested in knowing more about our recovery options, or about MRT, please contact us today at (850) 290-5955.