Marijuana Dependence Tallahassee Florida

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, does not have an addictive component that can be identified like in other drugs such as opium or cocaine, but nevertheless an individual can still develop a marijuana dependence.  According to the Pew Research Center, nearly half of the adult population of the United States has tried marijuana, or pot as it is also known, resulting in a large number of people who could theoretically develop a marijuana dependence.

Although now legal in a few states and only a minor legal infraction in many others, getting involved in using a street drug is never a good idea.  A marijuana dependence can be just as damaging to an individual’s career, relationships and family life as any other habitually used drug.  Developing a marijuana dependence may only occur in a small amount of people compared to how many have tried using the drug but it is not something to be taken lightly.

Anytime a person gets involved in using a drug or even alcohol on a recreational level they risk transitioning into a habitual user and developing an addiction or dependence.  Marijuana is alluring to many as it is readily available even in the majority of U.S. states where it isn’t legal.  Additionally, it isn’t referred to as a hard drug or having as serious impact on a person’s life like heroin or cocaine making it seem fine for occasional or even fairly regular use.

Your body may not become physically addicted to marijuana but if using it regularly becomes a top priority and other responsibilities are set aside, it is just as bad as any other addiction.  A company doesn’t care whether you didn’t show up for work because you were high on pot or high on cocaine, they only care that you weren’t at work.

Is there someone in your family or social circle you suspect has developed a marijuana dependence?  Do you know they smoke pot but think they might be hiding how much and how often?  There are signs you can look for in order to help you determine if they might need help.  Certain behaviors are affected when a person smokes weed.

Contact Drug Rehab Centers Tallahassee Florida today for help with marijuana use disorders and marijuana addiction. Our recovery programs will help you understand the negative consequences of drug abuse and how you can enjoy life without chemicals! Call (850) 483-8624 now and speak confidentially with an addiction counselor.